Oxford University / University of Oxford adalah perguruan tinggi tertua yang berlokasi di kota Oxford, Inggris.
Sejarah universitas ini dapat ditelusuri paling tidak mulai akhir abad ke-11, walaupun tanggal tepat pendiriannya tetap tak jelas. Menurut legenda, setelah pecahnya kerusuhan antara mahasiswa dan penduduk kota pada tahun 1209, beberapa akademisi Oxford melarikan diri ke timur laut, ke kota Cambridge, dan mendirikan Universitas Cambridge. Kedua universitas "kuno" tersebut sejak saat itu telah saling bersaing satu sama lain. Keduanya merupakan perguruan tinggi paling selektif di Britania Raya, yang sering dirujuk sebagai "Oxbridge".
Divisi dan Departemen
Oxford memiliki empat divisi yang terdiri dari sejumlah departemen/sekolah/lembaga/taman, antara lain:
Divisi Humaniora, terdiri dari:
- American Institute, Rothermere
- Art, Ruskin School of
- Classics, Faculty of
- English Language and Literature, Faculty of
- History, Faculty of
- History of Art department
- Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics, Faculty of
- Medieval and Modern Languages, Faculty of
- Music, Faculty of
- Oriental Studies, Faculty of
- Philosophy, Faculty of
- Theology and Religion, Faculty of
- TORCH, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
- Voltaire Foundation
- Begbroke Science Park
- Chemistry, Department of
- Computer Science, Department of
- e-Research Centre, Oxford
- Earth Sciences, Department of
- Engineering Science, Department of
- Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre
- Materials, Department of
- Mathematical Institute
- Physics, Department of
- Plant Sciences, Department of
- Statistics, Department of
- Zoology, Department of
- Biochemistry, Department of
- Clinical Medicine, Nuffield Department of
- Clinical Neurosciences, Nuffield Department of
- Experimental Psychology, Department of
- Medicine, Radcliffe Department of
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nuffield Department of
- Oncology, Department of
- Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, Nuffield Department of
- Paediatrics, Department of
- Pathology, Sir William Dunn School of
- Pharmacology, Department of
- Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, Department of
- Population Health, Nuffield Department of
- Primary Care Health Sciences, Department of
- Psychiatry, Department of
- Surgical Sciences, Nuffield Department of
- Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, School of
- Archaeology, School of
- Business School, Saïd
- Economics, Department of
- Education, Department of
- Geography and the Environment, School of
- Government, Blavatnik School of
- Interdisciplinary Area Studies, School of
- International Development, Department of
- Internet Institute, Oxford
- Law, Faculty of
- Oxford Martin School
- Politics and International Relations, Department of
- Social Policy and Intervention, Department of
- Sociology, Department of
Kebun, Perpustakaan, dan Museum
- Ashmolean Museum
- Bodleian Libraries
- Botanic Garden
- Museum of the History of Science
- Museum of Natural History
- Pitt Rivers Museum
Info selengkapnya silakan klik:
Daftar Hotel di Oxford University / University of Oxford
The Buttery
Kurang lebih 0.35 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordTower House
Kurang lebih 0.37 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordTower House Guest House
Kurang lebih 0.38 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordMacdonald Randolph Hotel
Kurang lebih 0.4 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordOld Bank Hotel
Kurang lebih 0.46 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordThe Saint Giles Haunt - Bright & Central 3BDR Geor
Kurang lebih 0.51 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordThe Bocardo Hotel
Kurang lebih 0.51 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordThe Vanbrugh House Hotel
Kurang lebih 0.51 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordAli Inn Oxford
Kurang lebih 0.51 km dari Oxford University / University of OxfordRewley House University of Oxford
Kurang lebih 0.52 km dari Oxford University / University of Oxford
Harga mulai Rp. 0 Pesan Sekarang
Harga mulai Rp. 0 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 2,032,750 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 1,764,540 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 3,867,872 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 0 Pesan Sekarang
Harga mulai Rp. 0 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 2,145,681 Pesan Sekarang

Harga mulai Rp. 1,750,424 Pesan Sekarang
Harga mulai Rp. 0 Pesan Sekarang